Auto insurance can be tough to research and purchase, so you may find yourself with several questions. To be a service to you and your family, here are my top three tips when it comes to buying auto insurance. I hope to answer your questions and take a little of the stress out of your insurance shopping process.
Tip 1: How much coverage do you need?
Consumers have heard the saying, “don’t overpay on your car insurance,” but how much car insurance do you need? In short, you should carry the highest amount of liability coverage you can afford. Though each state has minimum insurance requirements, most states require far less insurance than you need to protect yourself and your assets. Remember, you may need to carry additional coverages to protect your vehicle, including comprehensive, collision, and gap coverage.
Tip 2: Read your policy carefully
You should be aware that your auto policy is a legal contract. It is written so your rights and responsibilities, as well as those of the insurance company, are clearly stated. Please thoroughly read the policy and make sure you understand its contents. Should you have questions about your insurance policy, your independent insurance agent can clarify the policy for you.
Tip 3: Cancel your old policy
After you've done your research, secured your policy through your local insurance agency, and read over the main points of the policy, you’re ready to cancel coverage with your existing insurance company. Canceling your car insurance policy is an easy process and usually involves a quick call to your insurer. Be sure to ask if they require any fees, a cancellation letter, or a notice period before they’ll let you cancel. Several states also require you to carry proof of insurance, so make sure you keep the card in your wallet or the glove compartment of your car at the completion of your purchase.
If you are looking for an insurance agent in Kissimmee or have questions about your Orlando automobile insurance policy, reach out to us! We’re happy to be your go-to independent insurance agent in Central Florida.